We did it! You’re Not Alone was a great time for everyone involved. The staff were able to raise some money for a great cause while playing some of their favorite games in the process. There were pies to the face. Food based incentives were consumed, yes, even the gross ones. Mostly we just had fun together!

The Real Women of Gaming staff raised money for the creators of an amazing game called Dot’s Home who are a part of the The Rise Home Project. This single player game follows the journey of Dot as she travels through time to key moments in her family’s history. We were lucky enough to get to not only play a little more of this game but raise attention to the fact that it is up for a People’s Choice Award! This game is such an important tool to help others learn about housing. It opened a lot of eyes for our community the two times we streamed it. If you are interested in using Dot’s Home in an educational setting and need help or more information you can contact them here

Vaughn started the event with Phasmophobia and some ghost hunting. KinkedNitemare took the baton and had a special guest for the first half of their stream. Christina from Dot’s Home was there to talk about the games and the social issues that go with it. For the second half of Kinky’s stream they played Rainbow Six Siege, showing off some shooting skills. Vaughn then took over and continued to hunt some ghouls with a new game called Haunt Chasers. Then it was everyone’s favorite time, RWOG family time! The staff and a couple friends played Goose Goose Duck and some Jackbox Games

The whole event was a lot of fun. We are so grateful to Christine for coming out to talk and laugh with us. I really enjoyed talking to her. I also, of course, loved family time. That is usually the best part of charity events for me. When all of our staff can come together and just get to be silly. Trust me, by that time of night we are all usually fairly slap happy. 

Thia the Bard reacting to a food based incentive, spoiler it wasn’t good.

Real Women of Gaming was able to raise $202.00 for charity during the event. We are so grateful for all of it. I know times are tough right now. So thank you. Thank you so much to everyone who donated. Thank you to all of our amazing sponsors. Thank you to everyone who shared our social media posts, who hung out and who just enjoyed the event with us. 

With the future being so uncertain, I am really glad that we were able to partner with this organization. We need to know our history to understand the dangers of our present and our future. Games like Dot’s Home help to do that for people. We all learn differently, so I am thrilled that these folks are using the medium of gaming to teach. It was an honor to be able to raise funds for them to continue to educate and help others. 

We hope you had fun with us! I also want to give you a very big thank you. We could not do these events to help others without your continued support. We owe you all so much.


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