The first charity event of the season always feels so big. There is excitement. There are last minute technology issues, but what would an event be without tech issues?  We scurry around, getting snacks and making sure that our incentives are ready. There is caffeine consumed and a deep exhale. Then we start and it is like riding a bike. Just like that: the event starts. 

Be Someone’s Superhero was very special for us this year because it was a chance for us to give back to an organization that has helped our team in the past. Not only to us but also a much bigger community. The Bodhana Group has been assisting folks of all ages and walks of life, through gameplay, for years. We are so happy to have been able to raise not only money, but support for them!

Be Someone's Superhero event schedule on a purple background.  Real Women Of Gaming logo in the upper left corner; Penance RPG logo top right, The Bodhana Group logo bottom left.  Schedule reads: Noon: Crymson Pleasure - Plateup! 2PM CmdrJoop - Lethal Company.  4PM KinkedNitemare - Inside The Labs. 6PM: Iris The KeyBlade Master - Dead By Daylight.  8PM: Salty Hylian - Skull & Bones.  10PM: Crymson Pleasure - RiffTrax.  Below the schedule reads "Feb. 24th Noon Est"
Source: Real Women of Gaming

Some friends of ours from PenanceRPG also hung out with us all day. Huge shout out to them for making this event even more exciting! We would also be remiss not to give a huge thank you to our fantastic sponsors.

We started off with Crymson playing PlateUp! cmdrjoop took over with some Lethal Company. KinkedNitemare lead us Inside the Labs. Iris played Dead by Daylight for the first time. SaltyHylian plundered the high seas in Skull and Bones. The night finished up with family time playing Riftrax

Together, we raised $250.00 for a great cause: a wonderful start to our charity season! 

Also, last but never least, a very big thank you to all of you. Thank you for every share of social media. For hanging out in chat throughout the day. For the donations. Thank you for being our heroes.

Now, onto the next!


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